16 May 2024 2024-09-28 14:43VAE
VAE at Luxury Hotelschool
Presentation of the VAE process
VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) enables you to obtain all or part of a certification registered with the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles), by making use of your professional experience or skills. VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) enables you to obtain all or part of a certification registered with the RNCP (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles), by making use of your professional experience or skills.
VAE objectives
VAE is a way of valorizing the skills you have acquired throughout your career.
- Recognition of skills
- Internal career development
- Secure your job
- Trigger professional opportunities and remain competitive in the job market
- Facilitate a retraining project by validating cross-disciplinary skills.
- Join a training program for which a diploma or higher is required
Terms and conditions of access
- Prove at least one year's experience directly related to the professional certification or diploma in question.
Anyone, whatever their age, nationality, level of training or status, whether employed, full-time or part-time, self-employed, on or off the dole, a volunteer... can apply for VAE.
VAE duration and procedures
The whole process takes between 8 and 12 months. The weekly duration of personal work is estimated at around 5 hours per week. The process is divided into several stages.

File admissibility
Download the admissibility booklet: CERFA 12818*02
Methods used
Accompaniment is not compulsory, but is strongly recommended.
It is carried out by our partner organization : Enthéor
The 20-hour program, spread over 8 to 12 months, includes:
- 16 hours of assistance in writing the Livret 2 booklet
- Preparation for the oral interview: 4 hours
Evaluation method
Presentation of the professional file completed in booklet 2 in step 4.
If your application is fully validated, you can obtain the title.
If your application is partially validated, the jury may recommend that you take one or more online course modules to validate the required skills block(s) of our Bachelor's degree.
Disabled access:
The premises are accessible to people with disabilities, and special arrangements can be made to enable everyone to take part. For any specific request, please contact the disability advisor: [email protected]
Our next jury dates
October 2024
June 2025
October 2025
June 2026
VAE financing
VAE costs
- Stage 2 - Eligibility study: €300 incl. VAT
Stage 3 - Accompanying booklet 2: €3,000 incl. VAT
Accompaniment optional, but strongly recommended. This step can be carried out with our partner : Enthéor
- Stage 4 - Final evaluation: €1,200 incl. VAT
Financing aids
Several types of assistance can be combined. You can apply to:
- CPF (Compte Personnel de Formation)
- OPCO (Opérateur de Compétences) : AKTO
- The region :
- Career transition
- Skills development plan for employees
- For jobseekers: We advise you to contact your Pôle emploi advisor.
- For disabled people : Agefiph
Training concerned by the VAE system
Contact us
01 47 31 39 39 |